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Driver Install Problem

I labeled the title generically because I believe the solution applies to many driver install problems.

I have a Dell Inspiron 580 which is about six years old. It originally ran Windows 7 before I upgraded to Windows 10. Windows update tried to install updated NVIDIA GeForce 310 video drivers but failed. I tried going to NVIDIA website and downloading/installing the drivers but it also failed. I also tried installing the drivers through device manager but it failed with error code 28.

I ended up fixing the problem by right-clicking on the NVIDIA downloaded driver and unblocking the file. That didn't work (I think it was necessary), but I then ran the install in Windows 7 compatibility mode (right click on file, properties, compatibility mode tab) and it installed!

This solution surprised me.

I have never liked windows update installing drivers and wish there was a way to prevent it.


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