How to install and set up AWStats on your local computer. This is used if you want
to do offline processing or you want to archive your reports.
Perl defaults to installing in C:\Perl directory. It is best NOT to install Perl in the program files directory if you are using Vista because of security issues.
To see if Perl installed correctly type in perl -v at a Windows command prompt. Perl's version, and a few other items of interest, will be displayed.
Since AWStats version 6.8 is the latest (as of Aug 2008) I will be using it as the example.
1. Install awstats 6.8 to a directory called awstats. I do not install it in Program Files since I'll be doing a lot of manual access to awstats; in fact I have it on my data drive D: so it is included in backup.
The directory structure looks like this:
awstats docs tools wwwroot cgi-bin classes css icon js
2. In awstats directory create the following additional directories:
3. Copy the following from the tools directory to wwwroot/cgi-bin directory:
4. Copy gzip.exe to mytools directory.
5. From copy the following to mytools directory:
Each batch file needs to be edited and have the LOCALPATH set to your awstats directory on your computer. For example: set LOCALPATH=d:\dev\awstats
4. This is the resulting directory structure, ready for operation:
awstats archive-logs archive-reports daily geodb docs merge monthly mytools statdata today tools weekly wwwroot cgi-bin classes css icon js
Add a path to your mytools directory in the Window's PATH variable. This is so gzip can be found by AWStats scripts. See the Additional Resources for an easy way to do this.
Copy gzip.exe (in the bin directory) to mytools directory. Nothing else is needed.
Next: Configure AWStats
PATH editor - edit Windows' PATH variable