AWStats: Tasks
A summary of creating today, daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly reports.
Steps to Create Traffic Reports
Acquire AWStats, other programs, and pertinent
Install AWStats on the 1and1 shared server
Install AWStats on your computer
Set up the AWStats config file
Create a usable log file
Create/update the AWStats database
Create a traffic web page
Create report batch files
Analyze the traffic page
- Tasks
Extending AWStats
Geographic Plug-ins
How To
Pages not found FAQ
Referrer Spam
Task List
Which tasks listed below will depend on your website's traffic
and how inquisitive you are. Make sure you set the Reported
period correctly. July 2008 is used as an example.
I bookmark the URLs I use online.
HTTPPATH - http path to your online awstats directory.
LOCALPATH - local path to your offline awstats directory.
Today's Traffic Reports
View today's statistics (today being from midnight last night to
now). Note that today's log is not compressed (e.g. access.log.32.1)
Don't forget to Update now.
This is a cumulative action. If you want to show only one day's
worth of information, delete the file
(change 08 to the month and 2008 to the year) in the statdata
- Copy log file (access.log.32.1) from the server logs
directory to the today directory on your computer. Note there is
NO gz at the end.
- Run make-today-reports.bat which will create all the reports in the
today directory.
View in your browser.
Note: I don't archive this because it is eventually combined into
the daily then weekly log.
Daily Traffic Reports
This would denote yesterday or any of the last 6 days (since
after the 7th day the access log is combined into a week log).
- Clear the daily directory
- Copy log file (access.log.32.1.gz) to the daily directory
- Run make-daily-reports.bat which will create all the reports in the
daily directory.
- View access.daily.html in your browser.
Note: I don't archive this because it is eventually combined into
the weekly log.
Weekly Traffic Reports
- Clear the weekly directory
- Copy weekly server log (access.log.32.gz) from the 1and1
server to weekly directory. I
rename mine access.log.08-10-08.gz which is the 7 day period
ending on 8-10-2008 (Aug 10, 2008). I also save a copy in the
archive-logs directory.
- Run make-weekly-reports.bat
- Bring up access.weekly.html in your browser to view
Monthly Traffic Reports
The naming of the config file to include month and year is so the
reports can be archived with the month and year included in the
name. Also, since there may be some of another month (next or
previous) data in the combined logs, this method insures that the
correct month is updated and displayed.
- Clear out the merge directory
- Copy relevant access logs (the ones that cover July 2008) into
merge directory. In the July 2008 example I used:
access.log.07-06-08.gz (covers June 30 through July 6)
access.log.07-13-08.gz (covers July 7 (Mon) through July 13
- Rename config file to access.07.2008.conf
- Edit make-monthly-reports.bat file and enter the month and year
- Run make-monthly-reports.bat
The July 2008 output will be in the monthly directory.
A file called access.07.2008.log will be created in statlogs.
- In the monthly directory bring up access.07.2008.html in your browser to view July 2008 stats
- Archive all awstats.07.2008 files into one ZIP file. Label
it Or you can always recreate the reports
from the log.
- Archive access.07.2008.log (in statlogs). I zip mine.
If you really want to get precise you can edit the
access.07.2008.log and strip out all lines that are not in July
2008. Then edit and run make-onemonth-reports2.bat.
Yearly Traffic Reports
coming soon...
What's Next?
Check out extending AWStats and the help section.